Stephen King responds to rumor that Elon Musk kicked him off X

A few days ago a rumor started going round that Stephen King had been booted off X (formerly Twitter) after joking that Elon Musk was Donald Trump’s “first lady”.

The horror master’s X account still appeared to be live, though, and — although King does frequently go after Musk, and has been critical of his support for Trump – there was no “first lady” post about Musk.

Finally, on Wednesday, the man himself took to X to clear things up.

“I see there’s a rumor going around that I called the Musk-man Trump’s new first lady. I didn’t, but only because I didn’t think of it,” wrote King. “There’s also a rumor going around that Muskie kicked me off Twitter. Yet here I am.”

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So: No ban for King, and no plans from him to let up on his criticism of Musk.

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