These are the passwords you definitely shouldn’t be using

Cath Virginia / The Verge | Photo from Getty Images

The password manager NordPass has once again released its annual list of the world’s most popular passwords — and the lack of creativity is just a little disheartening. For the second year in a row, “123456” has been crowned the most common password.

The same numbers topped the chart five out of the six times NordPass has compiled its lists, only to be usurped by the famed “password” in 2022. But once you get past all the QWERTYs, ABCs, and 123s, we get a little insight into what humanity thinks about when creating the line of text that protects their most personal information.

Image: NordPass

There are those who choose “iloveyou” and those who opt for “fuckyou.” Others have distinct interests, like “pokemon,”…

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