Get $15 back on $50 of home goods at Amazon today — here’s how

GET A $15 CREDIT: Get a $15 Amazon credit when you spend $50 on home goods at Amazon today.

It feels extra nice when you get a little back for shopping the essentials you need at home. Take advantage of a credit-back deal on home goods like soap and paper towels at Amazon today and save yourself a few bucks.

As of Nov. 13, get a $15 credit when you spend $50 on home goods at Amazon today. That’s like getting a 30% for shopping for home goods you already need. Here’s how to take advantage of the deal.

You can shop home goods from toilet paper to trash bags to dishwasher pods with this deal. But here are a couple stipulations to keep in mind: First, read the fine print, and you’ll see that the $15 credit is only applied when you buy items sold directly by Amazon. It also doesn’t include classes of items like digital purchases. Second, the credit doesn’t appear when you order. Instead, the credit will apply to your account 30 days after the item ships. You’ll get an email then, informing you how to take advantage of your credit.

You’ll need to wait to secure and use your credit, however, you’ll be able to apply the credit to a later order one month out from shipping. You also can’t combine this pre-Black Friday sale credit offer with others, so look out for what you’re buying to make sure it qualifies. You’ll want to use your credit soon after you get it, as it will expire in mid-March.

Luckily, Amazon presents a ton of useful home products to shop that will qualify for the credit. Shop today and get $15 back on your first $50 purchase.

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